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Terms and Conditions


  1.    These Terms and Conditions apply whether the agreement is in written or verbal form.

  2.     These Terms and Conditions apply as soon as the Hirer agrees to accept the booking verbally or in writing.

  3.    The Hirer is responsible for checking the accuracy of the booking confirmation and notifying the Company of any errors immediately.

  4.    The Hirer is solely responsible for the acts and/or omissions of the passengers, whether or not they travel.

  5.  The Hirer is liable for any additional costs incurred by the Company during the performance of the contract.


Use of Vehicle / Purpose of the journey  

  1. The Hirer cannot assume the use of the vehicle between the outward and return journey.

  2.    The Hirer cannot assume the vehicle will remain at the destination for the Hirers sole use, unless this has been agreed in writing by the Company.

  3.   The Company reserves the right to issue additional charges for timings or mileage above the original agreement whether written or verbal.

  4.    The Company must be notified of any bookings for football matches, music festivals or political demonstrations and rallies at the time of booking, as there may be specific legal or other requirements that could affect the booking.

  5.     Failure to notify the Company correctly of the nature of the journey will be construed as breach of contract and at the Company’s absolute discretion may lead to termination of the booking without compensation or refund.


Route and time variation

  1.    Unless agreed at the time of booking, the route taken will be at the sole discretion of the Driver, according to road, traffic and weather conditions at the time of travel.

  2.    Stops will be made to satisfy legal requirements regarding breaks and rest periods.

  3.    It is the Hirers responsibility to account for all passengers at those times.

  4.    The Company cannot accept any liability for losses incurred by passengers who do not adhere to the Hirers instructions.

  5.     In any event the vehicle(s) will depart at times agreed with the Hirer and the Agent will not be liable for any loss or injury sustained by any passenger who fails to join a vehicle at the appointed time.

  6.     Any changes requested by the Hirer shall be at the Drivers discretion.

  7.    If agreed, the Driver may charge an additional fee for amendments to the original booking, including but not limited to additional drop off points.


Drivers hours and rest periods

  1.    The hours agreed with the Agent for the operation of any hire must be strictly observed, so that current regulations governing Drivers’ hours and rest periods can be complied with.

  2.    The Agent reserves the right to curtail or otherwise alter any hire which does not comply with the relevant regulations.

  3.   If delays occur for whatever reason, the Company may take whatever action is deemed necessary for the Vehicle in order to comply with the law.

  4.    Where delays do occur, the Company cannot be held responsible for any losses arising as a result of those delays or non-completion of the services.


   Delays and/or Breakdown

  1.  The Agent gives any advice on journey time in good faith but does not guarantee the completion of any journey in any specific time and will not be liable for loss, delay or inconvenience caused by the actual time of the journey.

  2.  The Driver will leave the depot to pick up the client for any part of the agreed coach hire within ample time.

  3.   The Company cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or loss incurred caused for any reason, including breakdown or unforeseen delay be that en-route to pick up the Hirer or en-route to the booking destination as a result.

  4.  Under the circumstances of traffic or road accidents, adverse weather conditions, compliance with police, customs or other government officials delaying the Driver picking up the client at the agreed time, the Agent will not be liable for loss, delay or inconvenience caused.

  5.  It is strongly recommended that the Hirer should consider insuring against this risk if journey times are particularly crucial, for example for the commencement of an event.


Additional Charges and Surcharges

  1.  If, as a result of the Hirer or passengers, the coach requires cleaning over and above that normally carried out, the Hirer will be liable for the reasonable cost of this. This charge will vary depending on the cleaning required.

  2.   If requested by the Company, the Hirer will be required to provide a cleaning deposit prior to the Journey Start Date which, if no specialist cleaning as described in this clause is required, will be returned within 14 working days following the Journey End Date.

  3.   Unless it has been agreed otherwise, the hire price will not include tickets, admission charges, ferries, road tolls or parking. However, the Company may make these arrangements, on request, on the Customer’s behalf and would do so acting as an agent for the Customer.  This means that any terms and conditions applicable to that transaction by that supplier (i.e. those relating to payment, cancellation, refunds etc.) would be as binding on the Customer as if they had made these arrangements directly. The Company will not enter into any arrangement on the Customer’s behalf until payment from the Customer to the Company has been made.

  4.  All bookings at the point of quotation will be based on the use of a single Driver however, for longer journeys in terms of hours the Company reserves the right to review the quotation should a second Driver be required, and should there be a need for additional charges, the Hirer will be advised at least (where possible) 7 days prior to the journey date.

  5.   If it is necessary to accommodate the Driver, these costs will be borne by the Hirer and will be paid in advance of the journey’s commencement.

  6.  Where Driver’s accommodation is arranged by the client, it must be a single occupancy room of a reasonable basic standard and should include evening meal and breakfast as appropriate.

  7.  The quotation is given with regard to the operating costs at the time of the quotation. If more than 7 days elapse between the date of the quotation and its performance, the Company reserve the right to pass on any increase in the cost of fuel or any other increased costs to the Hirer.

  8. The Company reserves the right to charge for damage to vehicles made by the Hirer and/or the passengers. Monies will be collected from the Hirer.            Any taxes or charges imposed by any Government or other authority which the Company is obliged to pay in order to fulfil the booking will normally be included in the quotation or confirmed booking price. However, if any such tax or charge is introduced or increased after the booking has been made and before travel, the Company will pass that cost onto the Customer and the Customer will be obliged to pay it prior to departure. Failure to make such requested payment will be regarded as cancellation by Hirer and subject to the provision of clause 12 below.

  9.  Any amendments to the original booking maybe charged directly by the Driver or by the Company at the end of the contract. All payments will be due within 7 days of invoice.


  Luggage and Passengers Property

  1.   The vehicle supplied by the Company will take account of the amount of luggage as well as the number of passengers specified at the booking time.

  2.  The Customer must ensure they specify the correct information at the time of the booking and inform the Company as soon as possible if there are any changes.

  3.  Whilst The Company will take all reasonable care with passenger’s property it cannot accept liability for any damage to, or loss of that property being carried on the vehicle and the Company strongly recommends that no valuables should be left on the vehicle at any time, even if that vehicle is locked.

  4.  The Company cannot accept responsibility for any loss of or damage to property left on the vehicle after hire.

  5.   Property found on the vehicle after hire will be held at the vehicle operating base for a maximum period of 30 days and disposed of thereafter. It is the Hirers’ or the passenger’s responsibility to collect the property and any costs incurred to collect the property are to be borne by the Hirer or passenger.

  6.   Property is to be collected at a time agreed by the Company and the Hirer or passenger.

Conduct of Passengers

  1. The Driver is responsible for the safety of the vehicle It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that all Customers wear seat belts where provided.

  2. Alcohol consumed on the coach at the driver’s discretion except at certain sporting events to comply with relevant law

  3.   Smoking and/or illegal drugs is not permitted on the coach and the Hirer will be responsible for ensuring that this is observed. Any passenger whose conduct is in breach of statutory regulations may be removed from a vehicle or prevented from boarding on the Driver’s authority.

  4.   For any reason, the Driver has the discretion to either remove, or not allow any passengers on the coach if the passenger is abusive, damages the coach, or not fit to travel due to being intoxicated with alcohol or illegal drugs.

  5.   In such event, at the Driver’s sole discretion, the journey may continue once the passenger or passengers have been removed from the vehicle, but should passenger conduct result in summary termination of the journey, the Company reserves the right to cancel any other parts of a booking, and in such circumstances the forfeiture of any monies paid, and no claims for compensation or refund in either whole or part shall be entertained.

  6.   Any damage caused to the vehicle by the Hirer or any of the passengers shall be the responsibility of the Hirer and the Hirer shall be liable for all costs related thereto.

Substitutions / Change of Vehicle

  1.   The Agent reserves the right to provide a larger vehicle than specified at no additional charge unless any extra seats are used. If extra seats are used an additional charge will be made pro rata to the hire charge.

  2.   The Company reserves the right to subcontract to another Operator to perform the hire or to supply replacement vehicles with the same number of seats.

  3.  The Agent reserves the right to substitute other vehicles (including those of other Operators) or ancillary facilities for all or part of the hiring subject to such substitutes being of similar quality.

  4. In case of differing specifications, the company’s liability will be limited to the premium charged for the original specification.

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